If one is to consider the role of women in the Church, I believe, that one must admit that Mary Magdalene was the most constant and supportive disciple of Jesus that ever was on this Earth. Every male disciple deserted Him before and during His Crucifixion.

In the Passion Gospel of Mark the statement is made that Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome were among the observers at the Crucifixion. No male disciples were anywhere to be seen.
In the Passion Gospel of John the statement is made that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Mary, the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene were standing near the Cross. Again, no male disciple to be seen.
In another Scripture presentation mention is made of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.
Is the other Mary the wife of Clopas and the mother of James, Joses and Salome, or are their many Marys ?
In the Epistle of Paul on the celebration of the Ascension he mentions that there is one Body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling and one God in all. No mention of male or female.
It is also known that Jesus himself had the perfections of both the male and the female.
Again in Scripture Jesus makes the quote of two words on 97 different occasions, when he says ” Ben Adam ” meaning I am fully human and possessing of the Holy Spirit, just as all of you. No denial of the female gender in any role.
The Spirit has always been with all of us from the beginning and without ending to serve our God.
This is the mystery which we all enjoy in any service or role to which He has called each and every one of us.
The role of women in the Church must no longer be supplanted, or denied unless one is to deny the spoken Word of God.

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