1. I fully agree with the vision of our ST. Particularly with ” We need to create a new mindset in the people.” This will however be a huge work. Because it means, among others, to RE-THINK with the people : Jesus’ plan, our rights and duties in the social world, our way of celebrating and praying, even our faith (giving much more importance to Jesus risen and rising up our world).

2. This means mainly EMPOWERING the (Small) Christian Communities, in order to guide them to become adult, democratic, participative, fraternal… communities, able to enter in a “discernment process”, “judging by themselves what is just” (Lk 12, 57). Asking themselves WHY is our Church not as democratic, WHY is it not as participative… as we wish.

3. Fortunately we are not alone for realizing this huge work. I have checked the quoted web site on “Small Christian Communities” and was happy to discover, among other positive news, your (american) National Alliance of Parishes Restructering into Communities”. Is this alliance still ‘alive’ ? Could it not inspire our ST ? Were it not useful to include it already in the preparation of the 2018 Synod ?

4. Fortunately this re-thinking and discernment has already begun, “real change is already happening” as you say. In the Church but also in the world : democracy, participation, fraternity, co-operation (even in management) are progressing. I like to say : the world is pregnant of the Reign of God.

Best wishes for continuing your and our marvelous work. {comments on}

Jo from Belgium

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