The People Speak Out

Local voices connecting globally

This is important: to get to know people, listen, expand the circle of ideas. The world is crisscrossed by roads that come closer together and move apart, but the important thing is that they lead towards the Good.  (Pope Francis)

Canon Law 212 calls upon the laity to speak up:

2 - The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.

§3. - According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.

Report on the national synthesis from their region


This synthesis was compiled on the basis, mainly, of submissions to an online portal and earlier submissions to the Australian Plenary Council process.


  1. What are the core inclusions from the bishops in your region?

Core inclusions were:

 On Synodality

 Great approval for synodality but more aspirational than achievement. Few practical suggestions for implementation


On Communion.

People are concerned and feel a need for a deeper sense of community.

A desire to grow in the faith, in spiritual formation, catechesis for young people.


On Participation

Synodality is about welcoming and inclusion but expressions of ‘welcoming back to the Eucharistic table’ are undermined by reference to subjective feelings related to ‘seemingly restrictive practices’. Until those who are excluded, LGBTIQA+ people, divorced and remarried and cohabiting couples, are unconditionally welcomed to the Eucharist, exclusion is practiced and endorsed.


It is recognised that the hierarchical model of decision-making can have negative implications which can be the antithesis of synodality.


In all areas of the Church, there is a desire for greater confidence that decision-making processes would be inclusive, transparent, responsible and accountable.


On Mission

There is a strong current advocating for more action on social justice and care of the Earth


Accompaniment of specific groups, such as children, families, young people and immigrants is needed but we are left vague on the ‘How to’, as was a desire for all the baptised to be missionary disciples.


There is a need for acknowledgement, encouragement and development of a culture in which all the baptised are called to be missionary disciples.


Through their outreach to various groups, many Catholic agencies and schools in Australia are already acknowledged as concrete expressions of synodal living, but the efficiency of religious education in schools and parishes is questioned.


Encouragement for Catholics, both within and beyond the parish communities, to engage in service to those on the margins is desired.


There needs to be ongoing cooperation with other Christian churches, particularly those in the same area, to identify opportunities for greater collaboration.


It was noted that, rather than expecting people to ‘come in’, all Catholics were called to reach out.



  1. What is left out?



Recognition of the disastrous decline in church engagement was not followed up with any possible strategy for reversing the trend. Outreach to the disconnected and alienated is noted as a concern but not addressed.



Community formation needs to be grounded in personal and community experience.      

The distinction suggested between what is essential and unchangeable, and traditions that may be developed, is not elaborated on.

The need for people to speak up and for clergy to listen, are noted but no action is suggested.

On issues such as abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, there is no acknowledgement that for many if not most Catholics, the consciences and voices of the faithful and the formal teaching of the church are not the same



There is no reference to the extent to which parishes are controlled by the clergy.

The statement that clericalism is ‘widely regarded as a barrier to synodality’ is a gross understatement.

There is no acknowledgement that the treatment of women in the church, (role, status and function) is out of step with the higher standards of contemporary civil society. While women do not have access to every position, including priestly ordination, equality is incomplete and discrimination has a foothold.  

There are no suggestions as to how the negative implications of hierarchy could be countered or how confidence can be restored in decision-making.


On Mission

There is no reference to an overarching vision that would provide context for ecumenical collaboration.

The call for all Catholics to reach out to others is not accompanied by any recognition that most are estranged for church activities because of church deficiencies and practices. How can anyone speak confidently about something that does not even convince themselves? Even among regular Mass-goers, there are serious unaddressed questions.



The Conclusion refers to a National Catholic Synodal Roundtable ‘to foster and promote the synodality of the Church nationally. Let us hope that the Roundtable takes a more positive progressive approach than this synthesis



This synthesis covers a lot of ground and touches on many important issues. However it amounts to a collection of alternative views on almost every topic. It offers little in the way of leadership, a coherent vision or a bold mission. It reflects a focus on the internal concerns of the Catholic church in Australia with minimal reference to the wider society in which we all live.

It is essentially a compilation of calls, desires, concerns and sectional recommendations, loaded with parenthood statements stating the obvious and the aspirational, rather than a serious effort to confront critical issues.



A more complete list of issues inadequately addressed:

  • The role and status of women in the church;
  • Exclusion/inclusion, equality and access, especially in relation to LGBTIQA+ people;
  • Accountability and transparency;
  • Clericalism;
  • Response to the suffering and healing of victims and survivors of religious sexual abuse;
  • Pastoral outreach to those who are cut off from the Church by its official teaching, e.g., on

divorce and remarriage, contraception, annulments, LGBTIQA+;

  • Need for improved presentation of Jesus’ vision and mission through better educated preaching and scriptural interpretation;
  • Community formation;
  • Synodal structures such a DPCs and PPCs;
  • Recognition of the ‘Sins of the Past’ and the ‘Signs of the Times’;
  • Baptismal priesthood;
  • Archaic and outdated liturgical forms;
  • Co-responsibility for articulating and promoting the vision and mission of Jesus;
  • The recommendations of the report, ‘The Light from the Southern Cross’;
  • Developments in the natural and human sciences over the last 500 years;
  • The exercise of authority in the Church;
  • The functional relationship between synodality and hierarchical structure;
  • The introduction of the experience, knowledge and wisdom of lay Catholics, into the deliberative phase of the synodal process and at the Synod of Bishops itself.
Findings Reveal Local Catholics Want Greater Inclusivity, Youth Involvement in Church
Today, the Archdiocese of Newark announced the release of its Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report, which captures the feedback and voices of more than 15,000 people across northern New Jersey, who convened online and at gatherings in parishes, schools, religious congregations, and more since January 2022. The effort is the local phase of Pope Francis' two-year Synod on Synodality, a global initiative to discern how the Catholic Church can better engage with today's faith communities. The report, which is publicly available on the Archdiocese of Newark's website, was submitted in June to the United States Catholic Bishops Conference for inclusion in a national synthesis process before a consolidated U.S. report is submitted to the Vatican for the October 2023 Synod of Bishops in Rome.

"In October 2021, Pope Francis issued an invitation to the whole Church to gather and listen to the Holy Spirit in prayer, sharing, and discernment in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in October 2023," said Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark. "Many people of our local Church responded enthusiastically to the invitation to participate, and many expressed appreciation to Pope Francis for the opportunity to dialogue, discern, and be heard."

According to the Archdiocese's 39-page Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report, more than 700 in-person and online listening sessions were held throughout the Archdiocese's four counties, including Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Union. Catholics representing a wide range of cultures, ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and languages contributed. Participants included parishioners, families, parents, students, catechists, and many others.

Outreach to those described as marginalized or on the peripheries of the Church and society were contacted through Catholic Charities, various social centers (e.g., Mercy House), and LGBTQ groups. Listening sessions at parishes included parents of children in religious education, persons with disabilities, the elderly, the homebound and, wherever permitted, those in nursing homes or senior living facilities. Interviews also were held with representatives of those who are incarcerated and with undocumented people.

"As I reviewed the summary report, I found that many concerns had already been expressed by the members of this Archdiocese," said Cardinal Tobin. "These listening sessions, however, have opened a way to think concretely about how to address issues on the local level. So, whatever happens in Rome next year, we already have some valuable insights into our mission here. Moreover, the synodal process produced new experiences in online communications, social media, videotaping, and other digital platforms that have opened new missionary techniques for the Archdiocese."

Major Themes 

In the 4,500 pages of reports in English and Spanish compiled from the Synod listening sessions, several key themes were identified by participants. These include evangelization, youth and young adults, Faith Formation, participation of the laity, especially women, in Church leadership, church/parish governance, and communications.

• The report reveals that most participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the Synod and a desire to continue the synodal process through ongoing opportunities to gather, pray together, listen to the Holy Spirit, share ideas, and be heard by Church leaders. The majority of participants also expressed love for their parish community and appreciation for priests and staff who care for and minister to all.

• Participants also voiced their strong interest in reaching out and welcoming all to the Church, regardless of age, cultural background, state in life, sexual identity, or economic or legal status. Those who participated in this process conveyed that the Church should do a better job of including those who may feel unwelcomed such as the LGBTQ community, undocumented immigrants, and persons with disabilities, among others.

• They also communicated that more should be done to bring those disillusioned with religion into the Church, especially young people, who may not attend a parish if they do not see a place for themselves, and those who are dissatisfied with the Church. Many young people who participated in the sessions — including students from Catholic middle and high schools and all four Catholic universities in the Archdiocese — feel the Church does not accept them or listen to their concerns about social issues and mental health.

• Concerns were raised regarding a disruption in the pre-pandemic "rhythm" of parish life and communities and the return to regular Mass schedules or parish functions following the decline of the pandemic since its peak. Participants believe parish life has been diminished in recent years. 

• Participants from more than 90 percent of the Archdiocese's parishes believe women should have a greater role in the leadership of the Church.

• Most participants feel it is time for lay ministry to be formally accepted ceremonially. Likewise, many expressed that the laity should have a greater voice in parish decision-making, and the Archdiocese needs to develop lay leadership formation and training.

"The Synod opened a whole new way of thinking for people and for parish leadership," said Sister Donna Ciangio, OP, chancellor of the Archdiocese, who helped lead the archdiocesan Synod efforts. "The whole idea is that we need to listen to and talk with people. By listening to their ideas, we're helping them understand that this is everyone's parish. Through this synod process, the Archdiocese has learned how we can better serve people. We heard what they need, which will influence how we collaborate on programs and resources moving forward."

The Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report includes recommendations for continuing the synodal journey in the Archdiocese to foster collaboration among all in the faith community as a regular part of Church life. Archdiocesan leaders will utilize the feedback to forge the synodal path ahead to fortify parishes, ministries, and the local Church.

"People are ready for more; they don't want to lose momentum," said Sister Donna. "We're working to give them tools so they can take what they learned and heard from their parishioners and make positive changes."

To read the full report, available in English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, and Korean, go to our Synod on Synodality webpages

We are in the process of reaching out to reform leaders worldwide regarding the second phase of Pope Francis’s Synod. Now that we have the assurance from the Synod Office that the Continental phase of Pope Francis’s Synod will be ecclesial (involving the whole Church) and not just episcopal (with bishops only), our remaining concern is that a balanced representation of the People will be chosen. We invite you to take our survey: will only take a couple of minutes of your time.

It is critical that we not let down after phase one of the Synod but that we put the pressure on the bishops to select a balanced representation of the People of God. We hope you will consider joining this newly forming board and pass it on to other reformers in your circle of contacts.


Post your synodal reports where others can read them

In the interest of openness and transparency in governance processes, CCRI has created a platform for an open sharing of submissions to the synod office which Pope Francis has initiated. You are invited to send us a copy of your submission, be it from a parish group, a local community, a diocese, or a Small Christian Community that has responded to Pope Francis’s call to engage in the Synodal Process. We will post these on our website to make them accessible to all. To ensure submissions are authentic, we will only post those that are authored, i.e. include a name of an individual or group and location (city, state, country) of the submitters. We look forward to your sharing these for all to read.


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A Nun’s Journey has been gifted to Catholic Church Reform Int’l, a non-profit organization. All purchases of this book are tax-deductible and will go to support the reform movement of the Catholic Church. Go to Amazon to purchase a Kindle e-book for $9.99, the paperback edition for $19.99, or the hardback edition for $29.99. For a personalized autographed copy, click on and click "Order" in the top left corner. When you have read the book, it would be helpful if you go back to Amazon and click "rating" to rate it and write a review. Your support for this project is most appreciated.

When you make a donation to support our cause, you join with others who are investing in restoring our Church to what Jesus intended. The dollars we receive are used to run our programs and to reach a broad spectrum of the People of God. We are focused on reaching out to the Faithful, reform activists, as well as those who feel abandoned by the Church. A significant share of funds are currently going to support our online Zoom Small Seekers Community for young people . Your personal contributions in offering your This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and your donations are most appreciated.


Walking the journey with you, in peace,

Our CCRI strategy team 

Rene Reid, director