Science tells us about the Big Bang and the ongoing history of the cosmos.A living faith tells us that God’s creation continues to emerge, toward a peace and oneness for which we all yearn. The people can contribute to this emergence. Come to The Peoples Synod in Dallas, October 12-14, 2018, and experience how.Take that experience home and make a difference that will help pull all of us closer together.

Motto of the synod: “Always discern what is loving; rely upon law only when necessary.”

Those who come to the synod will be in circles of ten or twelve, to listen to one another and reflect on stories that place the tension between love and law at the center of the circle. The circles will consider different ways of looking at this tension and finding practical alternatives to take home and implement.Participants will also take with them tools for rekindling and drawing strength from the relationships they have cultivated at the synod.

All are welcome.The synod is an enterprise of pilgrims. People from different communities that relate in different ways with the ineffable can by listening together free the Spirit in their midst from the habits and perspectives of any one community and foster creativity within the circle.